apartment house

  • South Africa, Limpopo Province, Mookgopong Naboomspruit
  • EUR 633 534
This farm is located about 30 30 km from Mookgopong.Infrastructure:5 Bedroomed house with a rondavel and carports.Shed and officeEscom powerWater:72 HA OF REGISTERED WATER!!9 equipped boreholes delivering up to 100,000...
  • South Africa, Limpopo Province, Mookgopong Naboomspruit
  • EUR 1 317 750
This global gap farm is nearby of Naboomspruit planting peppadews etc.Houses:4 x bedrooms 2 ensuiteDining roomtv roomKitchen3x stoep areasFlatlet :2 bedrooms with en suiteStudy Kitchen StoepWater:5 x Boreholes one not...
  • South Africa, Limpopo Province, Mookgopong Naboomspruit
  • EUR 190 060
278 Ha FarmSituated 30 km from Mookgopong along a tar road, with an additional 5 km gravel roadA spacious 4-bedroom housePalala river120340,00 cubics of water per year.Some mountain and some...
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