PR2214 - Excusite four ensuite bedroooms house

Listing ID:1006
Type:For Sale
Property type:Houses
Price:EUR 126 707 Sale
Four bedrooms, Two Bathrooms
Main bedroom with bathroom and wooden doors opening to the swimming pool. 
The modern kitchen is of the highest standard of fitting.
The garden is exquisitely maintained, a tropical paradise.
Remotely operated main gate
One bedroom apartment with private entrance and kitchen.
Fibre optic internet cable in front of the house is not installed, but takes about 2-3 weeks from application until activation.
Speed up to 1 Gbs, ping 7 ms.
Braai area, open, giving you the Bushveld farm feelin. g
The sellers have already bought land in Western Cape province.
They are semigrating.
Scroll further down for full details, experience the property by watching my YouTube video.
GroveErasmus, 078-463-2553, Prroprite Eiendomme, Ref: PropritePR2214 // Afrikaanssprekend? Welkom.
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General information
  • South Africa, Limpopo Province
    • Houses
  • For SaleEUR 126 707
Listing was posted by
Proprite Properties

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