Copy of Copy of PR2248 - 35 Ha Smallholding Naboomspruit

Listing ID:1289
Type:For Sale
Property type:Small Holdings
Price:$ 211 850 Sale

Two title deeds 15 and 19 ha.

This property is fenced with game And Cattle Fencing.

This farm has all the facilities for sheep, game, pig, and chicken breeding.

3 Bedroom house, with 2 bathrooms, 3 toilets, lounge, dining room, kitchen, and open stoep area.

There is also a lovely thatch roof Lapa and braai area.

Various outbuildings: Storerooms, shed, single garage, carports, Lapa, pigsty, chicken pin, and workers accommodation.

1 Strong equipped borehole with water tank.

 A variety of fruit trees with drip irrigation.

High potential sweet grazing.

 no Loose assets or live stock included.

Loan calculator

Monthly payment: $

Overpayment: $

General information
  • South Africa, Limpopo Province, Naboomspruit
    • Small holdings
  • For Sale$ 211 850
Listing was posted by
Proprite Properties

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