Copy of PR1482 Game and Cattle farm for sale 812 ha Lephalale Ellisras Limpopo.

Listing ID:1483
Type:For Sale
Property type:Game Farms
Price:EUR 415 598 Sale

This farm is situated about 25 km from Lephalale

The house is a thatched-roof farmhouse with a lapa.

Enough sheds and outside buildings.

They are slaughtering facilities butchery and cold room.

The whole farm is game fenced 2,4 m with predator-proofing and electrified, with 12 cattle camps and 4 game camps

3 Cattle handling kraals and structure to load and offload cattle.

Eskom and a backup generator.

5 boreholes

windmills 4

Lots of loose assets are included and will be shown to potential buyers

Lots of game are included in this transaction.

Cattle is excluded but can be negotiated.









Loan calculator

Monthly payment: EUR

Overpayment: EUR

General information
  • South Africa, Limpopo Province, Lephalale Ellisras
    • Game farms
  • For SaleEUR 415 598
Listing was posted by
Nico Kruger

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