Copy of PR1664 Irrigation or cattle farm Roedtan limpopo 256 ha .

Listing ID:1665
Type:For Sale
Property type:Cattle Farms
Price:EUR 359 847 Sale

The farm is situated 12 km from Roedtan.

There are two houses on the farm, and both need a bit of TLC.

The main house is a 4-bedroom house

The second house is a 3-bedroom




3 Boreholes with good water


The road splits this farm into 40 ha and 216 ha

The soil is red soil and about 100 ha of black turf.








Land Size (hectares):256

Loan calculator

Monthly payment: EUR

Overpayment: EUR

General information
  • South Africa, Limpopo Province, Roedtan Springbokvlakte
    • Cattle farms
  • For SaleEUR 359 847
Listing was posted by
Nico Kruger

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