PR1240 Irrigation farm for sale with some game Bela Bela 32 ha.

Listing ID:1240
Type:For Sale
Property type:Irrigation Farms
Price:$ 191 216 Sale

Irrigation farm for sale Bela Bela

Close to town.


3 bedroom farmhouse, 2 x sheds.

Lots of loose assets are included in this sale.

Currently 1 ha of Garlic on the land included


12 ha of water rights

3 boreholes

1 x 45 000lph

1x 10000lph


The game included if the seller gets his price:

Numbers may vary:

Impala x 36

Blue wildebeest x 4

Golden wildebeest x 1 bull

Gemsbok x 3

Ostrich x7

Springbuck x 12

Seller is registered for vat.

The seller has a contract for dried tomatoes there is a chance buyer can take that over.



Loan calculator

Monthly payment: $

Overpayment: $

General information
  • South Africa, Limpopo Province, Bela Bela
    • Irrigation farms
  • For Sale$ 191 216
Listing was posted by
Nico Kruger

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