PR1243 21 Ha Smallholding for sale Bela Bela

Listing ID:1243
Type:For Sale
Property type:Small Holdings
Price:EUR 240 743 Sale

Close to Bela Bela
3 bedroom main house
4 x chalets

Cold and heated pool
Some game included in this transaction
Nyala x 10
Kudu x 4
Waterbuck x3
Blue wildebeest x 5
1 borehole pumping 5000lph
The seasonal river runs through the farm.
The seller is not registered for vat.
This is not a flat farm rocky with some good lookouts.

Loan calculator

Monthly payment: EUR

Overpayment: EUR

General information
  • South Africa, Limpopo Province, Bela Bela
    • Small holdings
  • For SaleEUR 240 743
Listing was posted by
Nico Kruger

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