PR1673 - 2 Bedroom townhouse with garage and lock-up parking

Listing ID:1673
Type:For Sale
Property type:Houses
Price:$ 35 767 Sale

Ideally for an older couple who want to scale down, or first-time buyers.

The low maintenance garden is walled for privacy and security.

This gem offers: 1 Garage, gate entrance with parking, outside toilet.

Courtyard, and front patio.

Inside: Open plan lounge and dining room, kitchen with Kelvinator stove, bathroom, toilet and two bedrooms.

This unit has pre-paid electricity and a water tank with pump.

Monthly rates:530

Loan calculator

Monthly payment: $

Overpayment: $

Additional info
Total square:123 m2
General information
  • South Africa, Limpopo Province, Naboomspruit
    • Total square: 123 m2
    • Houses, 2 bedrooms
  • For Sale$ 35 767
Listing was posted by
Marie Kruger

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