PR1084 - 1 Bedroom apartment at DIE OOG with the potential and building plans to become an ideal retirement house

Listing ID:1084
Type:For Sale
Property type:Die Oog Aftreelandgoed.Naboomspruit.
Price:$ 25 312 Sale

Enjoy the wonderful benefits of this excellent retirement package, like the variety of recreational services and fenced area with game. A bonus is the affordable meal service, clinic and other facilities specific for retired residents. 


This unit at the popular Die Oog Retirement Estate is ready-to-stay, but with the potential of enough entertainment areas.


The unit comes with approved building plan for an extra bedroom (en suite), large living area and lapa.

Size 37.5 m2, the unit is a rondavel type, with open plan kitchenette, bathroom, bedroom and extra sleeping space for 2 people.

See the potential!

You can also earn money on your investment through the lease option with the body corporate.

Monthly levy R2 543

Rates R35

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Monthly payment: $

Overpayment: $

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  • South Africa, Limpopo Province, Naboomspruit
    • Die oog aftreelandgoed.naboomspruit., 1 bedroom
  • For Sale$ 25 312
Listing was posted by
Marie Kruger

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